I mashed up this "news-oriented" front-end with Algolia's Hacker News API
- Started with just a simple homepage list like the Hacker News home page, then:
- Filter by keyword: press command-K to filter by term!
- Filter by year: e.g. 2022 or 2021 all the way back to 2006
- Filter by multiple variables: aka Omni search
- Dark mode toggle: (inside the menu)
- Full-screen menu: (press command-slash!)
- URL-input compatibility: play around with the URLs in Omni to get a different filtering!
- I hope to add some more features with time permitting:
- User-generated navigation (choose one or more keywords to personalize the menu)
- User-generated configuration (filter by a custom quality score)
- Show comments from Hacker News (read the comments of each submitted link!)