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2021 / page 25
2021 End-of-Year Work Setup β’ Jameslittle.me
The hardware behind my old mail filtering server
Quebec puts 10pm curfew into effect
Sebastian Kurz leaves politics to join tech investor Peter Thiel
(Post Replication) What Findings Do Skeptical Psychologists Still Believe?[2019]
GFP-GAN β Photo Restoration App
Frog: A bootstrap-themed static blog generator written in Racket
Steven Strogatz: Too Much Coupling (2013)
Molecular Nanotechnology with Merkle
Rocky Flats Plant
1,500 endangered languages at high risk
For best results, ask in person instead of over Zoom
December 2021 Update Paused β Google Pixel Community
Reddit in a terminal on Windows 1.04, using a 1960s modem
OwnStore: Launch your online store instantly
Avidemux 2.8.0
America Runs on Bad Jobs
MicroStrategy Buys Another $94.2M of Bitcoin