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2021 / page 32
Could we build a synthetic digestive system for Vision to make him more human?
Lessons from Shipping 100 Features
Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery – a fan's tribute 10 years on
“no need for keystrokes or voices. I created this tweet just by thinking it.”
How to spend your first 90 days
Junior vs. Senior vs. Staff SWE Roles in FAANG
NPS doesn’t say anything particularly useful
Problematic Employers in Tech
Defining Success
Good Books
Across Europe, more people have bought Farming Simulator 22 than Forza Horizon 5
FreeBSD Foundation is still $55k short of their fundraising target for 2021
U.S. Energy Dept approves release of 2 mln bbls of oil from SPR to Exxon
Apple puts Foxconn India plant on probation after protests
Linux Kernel RNG is now Blake2 instead of SHA1 and 3x faster
The 100 Greatest Innovations of 2021
Beginner exercise for improving programming: Monte Carlo simulation of PI
The Dial Comes to Town – A 1940 Educational Short by Bell Telephone
‘Still in pain’: Amazon employees say climate of fear led to high injury rates
‘The Taliban say they’ll kill me if they find me’